While some dream of rejuvenating, striving to do everything to achieve even going so far as to deprive themselves, others are innocently deprived of aging, unable to do anything, often deprived even to simply grow! …

Our future and that of our planet are threatened.

This is the fundamental issue for the good development of our children rather than the decline of future generations. At the dawn of the third millennium, faced with a degradation of the ecological and societal environment, faced with this great imbalance in the distribution of resources and wealth, it is urgent to act!

Like a garden, society produces good or bad crops, depending on how well we take care of seeds or not. Despite the proliferation of weeds in this garden, some of these seeds are still developing in very good crops, even exceptional, and naturally.

OVUM – “Children with the Art of Rescuing Children … ™”, has given itself the mandate of the gardener to do all that is possible to facilitate the fertilization of these seeds in question so that they can germinate and multiply . The hope for our humanity, both long and short term, is the phenomenal seeds of children.

They possess this exceptional integrity and all the necessary spontaneity that can enable them to find sustainable solutions to yesterday’s problems today in order to anticipate and overcome the obstacles of tomorrow.

The equity of the twenty-first century can only be achieved through youth, FOR, BY AND WITH CHILDREN. This is why OVUM has total confidence in the ability of the younger generations and all the children who represent our future governed and rulers, including future presidents!

The fundamental precepts of OVUM and all its actions are totally secular and apolitical, claiming no belonging to any order or nature (political, religious, sectarian, etc.).